युक्ताहारविहारस्य युक्तचेष्टस्य कर्मसु ।
युक्तस्वप्नावबोधस्य योगो भवति दुःखहा ॥

अन्वयः – युक्त-आहार-विहारस्य, कर्मसु युक्त-चेष्टस्य युक्त-स्वप्न-अवबोधस्य, योगः दुःखहा (दुःखनाशकः) भवति।

Sri Adi Shankaracharya: To him, whose eating and movements are regulated, whose effort in work is moderate, whose sleep and wakefulness are temperate, Yoga becomes a destroyer of sorrows.

  • योगः भवति Yoga becomes, दुःखहा a destroyer of sorrow, that which destroys (हन्ति) all sorrows (दुःखानि) i.e., Yoga destroys all worldly sorrows.
  • युक्त-आहार-विहारस्य of one whose eating and movements are regulated. आहारः means all that is gathered including the mental food and विहारः means moving about, walking. One for whom these two are regulated (युक्तः) is युक्त-आहार-विहारः
  • युक्त-चेष्टस्य of one whose effort (चेष्टा) is moderate (युक्ता) in works (कर्मसु).
  • युक्त-स्वप्न-अवबोधस्य of one whose sleep (स्वप्नः) and wakefulness (अवबोधः) are temperate (युक्तः).

Swami Sivananda: Yoga becomes the destroyer of pain for him who is moderate in eating and recreation (such as walking, etc.), who is moderate in exertion in actions, who is moderate in sleep and wakefulness.

युक्ताहारविहारस्य of one who is moderate in eating and recreation (such as walking etc.). युक्तचेष्टस्य कर्मसु of one who is moderate in exertion in actions. युक्तस्वप्नावबोधस्य of one who is moderate in sleep and wakefulness. योगः Yoga भवति becomes दुःखहा the destroyer of pain. In this verse, Lord Krishna prescribes the student of Yoga to always adopt the happy medium or the middle course. Lord Buddha went to the extremes in the beginning in matters of food, drink, etc. He was very abstemious and became extremely weak. He tortured his body very much. Therefore he was not able to attain success in Yoga. Too much of austerity is not necessary for Self-realisation. The nervous system is extremely sensitive & it responds even to very slight changes and causes distraction of the mind. It is therefore very necessary that you should lead a very regulated and disciplined life and should be moderate in food, sleep, and recreation. Only then will you attain success in Yoga which will kill all sorts or pains and sorrows of this life.

-गीताप्रवेशः द्वितीयभागः द्वितीयखण्डः – संस्कृत भारती ।

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  1. Namaskaram, My name is Deepa. I am very much interested in your work. I am an admirer of Sanskrit. Don’t know a lot, but wish to learn and help promote this sacred language of Bharat.

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